
Strength is key

June 29, 2019| contagiouseditor

How becoming stronger can alleviate your aches & pains As Myotherapists, most people we see have some level of pain or discomfort and are looking for relief. Every case is different; an initial assessment will include postural evaluation, aggravating movements and palpation of surrounding structures as well as the pain site. Once the target tissue is addressed, we work to alleviate the pain site whether it be emanating from there or referred pain. In some cases, muscles become hyperton...


Fat Pad syndrome

May 29, 2019| contagiouseditor

Fat pad atrophy is a condition that refers to the loss of fat pads in the balls and heels of the feet, which causes thinning of the protective cushioning that sits under the bones. This can cause significant pain while walking, as the shock absorption from the fatty tissue is no longer there. Without the cushioning of the fat pads our bodyweight shifts onto the bones of our feet with minimal to no protection.  Therefore the load under this area is unable to be spread out effectively lea...


The new R.I.C.E

May 29, 2019| contagiouseditor

Most of us would be familiar with the R.I.C.E. methodology when dealing with injuries; (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). Until recently, that was the best advice clients could receive in treating soft tissue injuries. However, with a growing emphasis in studies around sport and wellbeing, science has evolved. I would like to introduce PEACE and LOVE (1) as your new acronym to treat soft tissue injury! In treating acute soft tissue injury, it is advised you give yourself a little P.E.A.C.E....

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