
Stress…The big 3

March 6, 2015| contagiouseditor , ,

There are THREE main stresses that the body undergoes that can cause the nerve flow to be partially blocked or impeded: Physical stress, Chemical stress and Emotional stress. Chiropractic is a way to allow nerve interferences (subluxations) to cease and proper movement, co-ordination and nerve flow (the messages sent to our bodies that allow us to function each day) to occur, through regular Chiropractic adjustments. But many people still want to know WHY they're not getting better, despite hea...


How to improve digestion by increasing Stomach Acidity

November 22, 2014| contagious

Most people are familiar with antacid medication for heartburn or indigestion, and assume that stomach acidity is therefore bad for you and must be decreased. The opposite is actually true and, in the majority of cases, most people with digestive problems have low hydrochloric acid or HCl. In fact, I’ve seen a number of patients with chronic gastritis or reflux completely resolve their symptoms by increasing their stomach acid. What is the function of hydrochloric acid? HCl is secreted by th...


Why Exercise?

November 22, 2014| contagious , ,

Why? Our spines were made to move, and in turn so were the rest of our bodies. Exercise, or simply put, movement, can help with many different things- increasing strength, reducing back pain, improving flexibility in muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints, helping heart, lung and even bone health. If we sit for too long each and every day, our bodies adapt to that and start to decrease in strength, stamina and a whole array of other problems can start to occur. In fact, you can start to lose qu...

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